Labels:text | screenshot | black and white | black | font | document OCR: Oiu/1, In men, the normal range of plasma LH determined by radioimmunoassay, is 5- using the NIH reference standard LER-9 Bioactive LH may be detected when Fing immunoreactive LH is immeasurable. L ard, LER-907 as the radioimmunoassay stand to range normal FSH in adult men is also shown from 5 to 20iu/1. Pulsatile secretion is les for plasma pronounced for FSH. The normal range testosterone in adult men, determined b radioimmunoassay, is 10-35nmol/l ntrations (300-1,000mg/dl). Free testosterone conce can be measured by equilibrium dialysis Dihydrotestosterone, as measured by tely ten perradioimmunoassay, averages approxima ent of the testosterone value